Spooky Things I’ve Heard People Say About Waxing…

Y’all, people say some crazy shizz about waxing, but the #1 craziest misconception I’ve heard someone tell me is that waxing is dangerous. That’s a big, ol’ HECK NAH GIRL. Waxing does NOT cause any kind of infection unless YOU don’t listen and follow instructions.

Here’s the deal, the people that usually say waxing is dangerous have had horrible experiences with a bad waxer or place. The lesson here? RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH. Read through the customer review to get a feel for what their experiences were like. Here a few red flags when in a waxing session to look out for:

  • Sanatation practices - if your waxer is double dipping in the wax pot, run!

  • Wax consistency - depending on the consistency, the wax could be too hot. Let your waxer know! It’s your body, speak up!

Seriously though, people who don’t recommend waxing, usually are the ones with horror stories. Follow my tips above and you’ll be in the clear!


Spooky Things I’ve Heard People Say About Skincare Routines…


What is a facial peel?