Spooky Things I’ve Heard People Say About Skincare Routines…

Okay so obviously as your esthetician I’m alllll about skincare routines. It’s literally my job. My biggest thing is PREVENTION over CORRECTION. What you’re doing now will affect your skin later on in life and in 10 years it will be 10x harder to correct. And let’s be honest, a skincare routine is just basic hygiene, so….💁

Having an established skincare routine now will help prevent things like wrinkles and pigmentation down the line. Talk about hot mama or grandmama! A routine also obviously helps with blackheads, acne, getting rid of all the dirt and dead skin cells throughout the day.

“But can’t I just use products from the store?”

That’s a big ol’ HECK NAW GIRLFRIEND. Along with not being personalize to your skin, drugstore products are just not the vibe! Here are my top 3 products to avoid from the drugstore:

  1. St. Ives - toss that shiz babe! It literally is just scraping your skin, making small tears and erases your acid mantle causing your skin to age 10x faster!

  2. CeraVe Acne Foaming Cleanser - NOPE, NOPE NOPE. This product is so harsh! You’re stripping away the acid mantle on your skin, and in a few months of using this, you’ll start to see more texture, fine lines and dryness. Pro tip: you never want that super-squeaky clean feeling after cleansing.

  3. Curology/Proactive - skip this! These lines are not truly tailored to you or your skin! There are several ingredients in these products that can cause more trauma and irritation to the skin.

“Okay Linley, so why should I come see you? Why can’t I just use the same products my favorite influencer is using?”

Does your favorite influence truly customize a routine especially for you? NOPE didn’t think so! My JOB is to make a routine for your skin, to fit your lifestyle, and educate you! If you don’t figure out the root cause of the problem, how can we fix it? I spend so much time continuing my education so I can best serve y’all!


Top 10 Craziest Things I’ve been told as an Esthetician


Spooky Things I’ve Heard People Say About Waxing…