How the Changing Weather Affects your Skin

Do y’all notice a theme for my blogs this month yet? Winter is right around the corner, and like we talked about last time, if you live in the Midwest or really any cold climate, all the moisture will be sucked out of the air and your skin. This can irritate eczema, psoriasis, just generally itchy skin, etc. Y’all already better be adding in some extra hydrating masks like we talked about last time, but you can also lessen certain ingredients in your skincare. Glycolic, lactic, mandelic, salicylic, and benzyol perozide, are all ingredients you might want to consider using less of in those really cold months.

But here’s the deal, do you really need different routines for colder months and warmer months?

The answer is, it depends! Okay, I know that’s not what you want to hear, but depending on your skin goals, you might want to have totally different routines for the different seasons. During the summer, you’re outside more, it’s warmer, so you’re sweating more, probably doing yardwork or things that get your dirty. Those things can cause buildup on your skin that clog pores more than usual. In the winter, we’re not usually experiencing these things, so you might not need as hardcore of a routine.

Alright, another hot take, "do I still need to wear sunscreen, even under my makeup during the winter months?”

The answer is a big ol’ HECK YES!

Even though they aren’t as hot, sun rays are still out in the winter. And listen, watch out especially when there’s a beautiful, fresh snowfall because those UV rays are reflecting and bouncing up so it’s double trouble.

And if you’re looking for some of my winter product go-to’s look no further than this list below!


What is a facial peel?


Can You Prep Your Skin for Winter?