Back to school can be expensive, school supplies, new clothes, dorm necessities for my college girlies, it seems like it never ends! I’m here to give you a solid ballin’ on a budget skincare routine for your back to school needs!

One of the lines I carry in the spa is Face Reality, and honestly, it’s so amazing! It’s super affordable and a perfect starting point if you’re new to the skincare routine game! So here’s a great sample starting routine perfect for back to school business and your wallet too!

Step 1 - Ultra Gentle Cleanser

Step 2 - Moisture Balance Toner 

Step 3 - Antioxidant Serum

Step 4 - Moisturizer, we have a few options here

For my oily skin gals - Clearderma

For my extremely oily skin gals - Hydrabalance 

For my dryer skin gals - Cran Peptide (can also be used for anti-aging)

Step 5 - SPF Ultimate 28 for a matte finish and Daily 30 for more hydration

At night, if you’re more of an oily skin girlie, you can switch out your serum for Hydrabalance to provide more nourishment, hydration and plumping for your skin. You can even use it just over the top of your Antioxidant Serum

A quick note about serums - these are really where you can target and customize your skincare routine. However, some serums are only available for clients of mine, so make sure if there’s something you think you need, snag a virtual consultation spot with me!


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back to school skincare tips