everything i did to get my skin wedding ready

Welp, the wedding has come & gone, just like that. It’s absolutely crazy! Crazy how I went from preparing for my wedding-ready skin & now as I write this, the wedding is over & I’m a married gal 💁🏼‍♀️. They aren’t lying when they say it comes & goes. BUT I’m here to share with you everything I did to get my skin photo-finish ready for the big day!

First things first, I did a series of (4) TCA peels on myself, which happens to be my Biorepeel! It’s an amazing, texture correcting peel that has no downtime. It was PERFECT to do duing the summer. It gives similar results to microneedling treatments or your typical TCA peel nut with none of the uncomfortable skin peeling, redness or uncomfortableness. I did one every week, then let my skin rest for 3 weeks and then got a facial the week of the wedding. I ended up getting a dermaplaning facial the week of the wedding, that way, all the peach fuzz was gone! Side note, I LOVE dermaplaning. It’s such a game changer for the way your makeup goes on your skin. I will forever recommend getting a dermaplaning facial the week of your wedding. PS, shoutout to my girl Miranda and my dermaplane for making me a glowing goddess! And shoutout to me for taking care of myself before the wedding, it was a must.

Tips to Get Your Skin Wedding (or Event) Ready:

  • Stay consistent with your morning & night routine 

  • Icing/cold rolling 

  • Eat well

  • Avoid sunburns 

  • Try not to stress

  • Consistent masking routine

  • Exercising 

Remember, whole body health is so important. It’s in charge of our skin cells and how they function. It can be the cause of acne, dark circles, skin tone and the way it heals for pigmentation. It was important to me to focus on that while also doing the topical side. Some key products/ingredients I used were:

  • A gentle cleanser

  • Hydration

  • Antioxidant ( Vitamin C)

  • Moisturizer 

  • Retinol or some kind of exfoliation

  • Sunscreen

  • Masks

If you keep up with all of these, you are giving back to your skin in so many ways. These were essential for keeping my skin at optimal health. We all know hydration is so important not just for skin health, but for your body as well. Each one of these things are essential for skin cell health also. 

Skin prep for an event doesn’t have to be complicated, you just have to stay consistent and the results will come! Take the guessing out of it and visit your local esthetician or grab a virtual consultation with me to get you feeling your best about your skin.


