back to school skincare tips

How is summer alreadyy winding down? Time flies y’all! But, you know what it means when August rolls around - all the back to school things. Today we’re chatting all about back to school tips and routines.

It’s so important to have a good skincare routine down is huge when you’re looking for results in terms of your skin. It doesn’t matter if you’re 13 or 23, these can be helpful for you!

  1. Always double cleanse at night! So, when you’re washing your face at night, cleanse once, and then go in again for a second time! You can use the same cleanser or a different one to target a specific need you might have.

  2. Bust out your cold roller! Especially if you’re having breakouts, cold rolling will help with redness and pain with pimples. Feel free to use ice, or snag my fave cold roller.

  3. Hydration is key. Always, always, always use a hydrator. Just as your body needs water, so does your skin. It’s what plumps your skin up, keeps skin looking healthy and glowing. If you’re in the mood for a splurge, you want the Hydrinity HA Renewing Serum (more so for aging skin) or the Restorative for my acne peeps.

  4. Did you think we’d get through a routine list without me mentioning sunscreen?! Come on now! My young babes, do not skip out on the sunscreen! It’s seriously one thing I wish I would have paid attention to more when I was younger. Please remember to reapply every 2 hours! Did you know, the most sun damage usually happens to your skin before the age of 18? Crazy right!? Which is why you need to LATHER UP!

  5. Serums. These babies are the best investment you can make in a skincare routine because they can be the most targeted step for your skin. 

  6. Your cleanser is honestly such a game-changer in your routine. Having a nice, gentle cleanser just sets your skin (and routine) up for success from the beginning. But, don’t just grab any cleanser off the shelves, you’ll want one that truly cleanses the skin so the rest of your products can do their job. My favorite is the Skinbetter Cleansing Gel or the Ultra Gentle Cleanser from Face Reality.

  7. I’ll say it til I’m blue in the face, your at-home routine is the most important part of your skincare journey. Skipping these can lead to slower results or none at all. Be consistent, it can take up to 90 days for results, so be patient! 

  8. Facials. Listen, I understand if you can’t afford to get a facial every month, but you can always do them at home! Invest in a good mask and some serums to create that spa-like experience in the comfort of your own home!

  9. Whole body health = skin health! You are what you eat they say, and dang is that so true! Eat the best you can, get some blood flow (aka exercise) in to rejuvenate those skin cells and detox your skin/body will make a world of difference!

  10. Speaking of sweat - don’t let it sit on your face for longer than 15 minutes! Pro tip: take your toner and soak cotton rounds in a container or zip lock bag and use that to wipe your sweat after gym class! It's so much better than just water and a towel! 

Which of these is your fave tip? Let me know in the comments!


