Skincare Habits We are Bringing into 2023

It’s 2023 and I'm ready for the New Year! With that being said there are quite a few skincare habits that we will be leaving in 2022 but also a few we will be taking with us into 2023. So I'm going to give you the lowdown on the ones we'll bring with us yet! 

For starters there will be simplified routines! Y’all I'm so happy about this one! She is coming into 2023! I first of all brought on a new medical grade skincare! Skinbetter science is an AMAZING line and it simplifies the skincare game for us! One basic cleanser for all skin types, one serum based for all skin types and same for moisturizer! Like boo it doesn't get better than this. Don't even get me started on their night creams! It's a superior one stop shop for skincare and it quite frankly can't get better! I'll be chatting a lot this year about this line! For the time being here's the low down; get their Cleansing Gel, Alto Advanced, Trio Rebalancing and Alpharet along with Tone Smart SPF! You WILL NOT regret it!

Gentle cleansers are the next thing in the line up to come into 2023. I’ve been preaching this and have switched all my clients to calming cleansers! I've found the love for keeping the skin happy and focusing on what matters is the serums and products that get left on the skin. You do not want to over strip your skin. If you're using too harsh of a cleanser then you can be setting your skin up for failure! Over stripping your skin makes you NEED more products to replenish, protect and heal your skin. So why not let the cleanser do its job and just cleanse without being harsh. Then, you can focus on those skin concerns with what is needed by a serum.

Seeing a licensed esthetician she's coming into 2023!! Because tell me this, would you go see your dentist for knee pain? Heck nah, so why would you go see anyone else or listen to anyone else on skin advice? Same thing my boo! So go see your friendly neighborhood esthetician! They’ll teach you a lot! We did go to school for it after all. We are the new trend! There is something for everything, remember that! 

Remaining patient when trying a new product or routine is a huge motto for 2023. When it comes to skin it's not a one stop shop for everyone. We all are different. Sometimes it's trial and error because your skin and environment can be changing! Literally y’all, I don't know how else to say this other than skin changes and does unpredictable things. She's a wildcard sometimes so be patient. You don't know in advance if your skin will react badly to a certain ingredient. But this is a perk of seeing an esthetician, we will catch right away if it's an allergic reaction etc.

Embracing the powder of antioxidants for 2023. Hunny, antioxidants are what keeps you young and looking so fresh and glowy! They are vitamins for the skin! Supercharging those skin cells to be young and radiant. Retinol is nice and all, but you need the nutrients and vitamins first!

Focusing on lifestyle and stress management for 2023 is a huge one, even for me! Stress plays a HUGE factor in your skin. So remember to breathe and chill! This too shall pass all while making you stronger. Embrace and ride the waves out! But remember to take care of yourself in the forms of healthy sleep, eating right, exercising and doing things to relax!

Of course using SPF consistently is a no brainer! Don't skip this step. Remember it locks you in and also it is your number one anti-ager! How else do your plants keep surviving inside? The UV rays are still coming inside! 

Trying my best not to pick acne is a goal of mine for 2023 even! So let's stop picking and making more inflamed red breakouts. Let's ice them instead and use a spot treatment along with a consistent routine! Be consistent, it'll help those pesky breakouts from forming! But stop picking and see the beauty everyone else sees! I promise no one else sees that one breakout on your forehead or cheek, we are all our own worst critic after all.

And last but not least staying far far away from viral skin care trends. These  are things of the past. TikToks and DIY skincare trends are NOT the vibe for 2023. Lemon is not a good bleach for skin pigmentation, toothpaste is not a good breakout spot treatment. These are trends of the past! DIY isn't always the better option. Remember, come see us!


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