How to Cure Post-Holiday Breakouts

holiday skincare tips

Ekkk did you do what we all do during the holidays and indulge too much? It happens, and tastes so good, but we have to face the consequences. Usually this means breakouts and sluggish-looking skin. Before we get into the goods, I want you guys to know that IT’S OKAY to get off track during the holidays, we are human, and we should be enjoying all the holiday things! Tomorrow is a new and better day, and then go out and make that happen! Alright, now for my life-saving and skin-saving hacks!

  • Limit sugar and give your skin a break to reduce inflammation. Listen, I know it sucks, but it does the trick!

  • REHYDRATE, rehydrate, rehydrate! Drink all the water and while you’re at it, add a little lemon to it to detox your liver some more while also helping your skin!

  • Spot treatments! Use a spot treatment to kill bacteria and help with inflammation. It helps with recovery and healing. My 2 faves are the Sulfur Spot Treatment from Face Reality and Actrol Powder from DMK (available only in my client store).

  • Skip the makeup. Let your skin breathe for a bit, babes! Makeup can weigh your skin down and clog your pores more so just give her a few days to chillax.

  • Moisturize! Especially with the colder weather around the holidays mixed with the fact that alcohol zaps the moisture from your skin. Use up those hyaluronic acids, peptides, and ceramides to rebalance your skin. Always keep hydrated, especially if you’re using exfoliation for acne or extra spot treatments!

  • Rest and recoup! Give yourself a few days to just chill out. Get the sleep you need and deserve after a busy holiday season.

  • Book a facial for yourself! Get a good detox and some hydration added back into your skin. A geneo detox or hydrating facial is the best IMO, but a good customized facial or DMK enzyme therapy works too! Masking at home can be great too! Checkout my list below for some great at-home masks (with links!)

  • Icing! Ice those breakouts and inflammation. Keeping the breakouts at bay is super important for not letting scarring happen. Ice to prevent and speed up the breakouts healing time also!

  • Supplements are a huge part also! Omega 3s and Zinc along with a probiotic. Zinc is great for inflammation, Omegas also great for inflammation and thinning the oil out too. 

WHEW, okay I know that was a lot, but seriously these tips and reminders will help everyone during that post-holiday slump! Even all the small things add up to big results, remember that!


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