Things I’m Thankful for…

As the holiday season is getting into full swing, and this week is Thanksgiving, I’ve been reflecting on what I’m thankful for. Today’s post is like a diary entry, so here it goes!

This holiday season, I am beyond grateful. I’m at a stage in my life where I have things I use to only dream of. A fiancé, a house, my own business, over 1k Instagram followers, challenging myself to learn all facets of my business and more. There are so many things that I’ve done and I have now that I just cannot believe I’ve accomplished. Surreal is an understatement. And, honestly, most days I’m unsure of how I even got here. Time flies y’all. Last year at this time, I was so stressed, sick all the time, drowning in my business and clients. I’m now implementing things in my life to change that. It’s wild to look back and see how bad it got and compare it to now. One of the biggest realizations over the past year is that my clients aren’t JUST clients. Y’all are my MVP’s, and truly the best for putting up with me, trusting my guidance, and I can’t ever express how much it means to me. This business has grown into more than I could have ever imagined and I have all of you to thank for that. The crazy part? I’m no where near finished. I’m still dreaming up crazy ideas and making them happen!

This wouldn’t be a “thank-you” post without me taking the time to thank my amazing fiancé. Since I started my business, he has done nothing but support me all while our relationship has often times been put on the backburner. Now, I’ve been able to take more time off for us, and dang that feels good! Finding this happy balance of work life and home life has been so life-changing! Looking back and seeing the growth and things I’ve learned at every turn being a business owner is an entire vibe! My advice: keep pushing, keep grinding and you’ll be able to look back and be like DANG!

So, all in all, sappy me is just so extremely grateful for y’all making my dreams come true, giving me grace and patience as I figure out how to navigate life and business and everything in between! Thank YOU for being here for this journey. I want you to know that they support you give me, not just as a client, or buying product, but reading this blog, interacting with my social media, literally all of it means so much to me!


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