Sweat is your friend

Sweat = detoxing

Sweating is your body’s way of detoxing. A good detox is good for your health, it can get the blood flowing which in turn leads to healthier, happier skin! A skincare routine isn’t all you need for beautiful, glowing skin. It goes deeper than that. Today we’re going to chat about a few different ways in which sweating is good for your skin!

Your sweat releases toxins from your body - ones that your kidneys and liver aren’t able to. Recently, I invested in a pop-up sauna from Amazon and let me tell you I LOVE IT. Side note: if you’re regularly going into a sauna, please make sure you’re drinking enough water and hydrating since you’re sweating so much. Check with your doctor too for any guidelines they might have for you. Seriously though, we need to rid our bodies of toxins so it can function at it’s absolute best! You’d be surprised at how this can positively affect your skin!

When you sweat, minerals are released onto your skin, giving it that “salty” feeling. This is a natural exfoliant and form of glow! Ever notice how on the days you workout you have that post-workout glow? I sweat, the days I workout and sweat are my best skin days! I feel way more glowy and less puffy!

When you sweat, you’re getting the blood flowing in your entire body. This carries fresh blood to your skin cells which aids in detoxing and renewing them. Sweating is actually really great for fine lines and wrinkles! It helps to keep your skin refreshed and renewed. When you sweat, you change the mitochondrial DNA of your skin. As we age, our skin slows down and can get thinner, so when you get your blood flowing, it tells your skin cells to be younger, which helps to speed up your skin cell turnover rate. This increases anti-aging benefits to keep your skin renewed 24/7! It also helps to retain moisture for your skin! Basically, sweating is magic for anti-aging, so get yourself moving!

Everyone has a mix of good and bad bacteria in our bodies. When we sweat, we produce a bacteria called dermcidin, which can help destroy harmful bacteria on the skin. This can truly help aid in breakouts and infections on the skin! That being said, we don’t want to let sweat sit on ourselves all day long. This can lead to clogged pores and even more acne due to the dead skin cells and oil buildup. So, right before you know you’re going to get a good sweat in, wash your face for a fresh slate! That way, the day or nights worth of products and debris doesn’t even have a chance to clog your pores from sweating.

And there you have it! Sweat and blood flow are SO good for your body and skin! The detoxing and blood flow helps not only your skin cells but your entire body! A healthy lifestyle is the cornerstone to that healthy, glowing skin we all want! And I know it can be overwhelming, but those baby steps to a healthier lifestyle compound overtime! Keep going babes!


Acne Awareness Month Part 1: Ingredients


skincare & mental health