skincare & mental health

Mental health is something that’s so important and since it’s Mental Health Awareness Month, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to chat about how skin care has truly helped save my mental health! I also want to help you! What to do if you can’t seem to find the energy to do anything, really mental health plays a huge role in skincare in my eyes! Let’s dive in!

You know what they say, look good, feel good. And dang is that true! When you look good you usually feed good too! So for me, having that glowing skin gives me the confidence I need while also boosting my mental health. I don’t know about you, but when you feel confidence, you naturally are that much happier. So, doing my skincare routine, and having that beautiful glow at the end of it brings me to such a happy place! It all starts with a good routine and good products! Check out my most recent blogs on
skincare basics and leveling up your skincare for product recs that truly changed my skin!

Self Love 
Yeah, yeah cheesy, I know but it really does all start with you. You have to give yourself grace and truly love yourself more. You get to do all the self-care things you want to all in the name of self love, like your skincare routine! I’ve also really been into self care talk lately also. Listen, it’s going to feel weird at first, but one day it won’t and it’ll just be part of your routine! I love to go “yasss boo your skin is absolutely glowing” with a little smile or smirk at myself in the mirror. It might seem cheesy but it’s not and it works! When you have nice things to say to yourself, you calm down and learn to genuinely love the skin you’re in! And really, before any amount of products for your skincare routine, this is the first step. Without kind self-care talk, your negative attitude will only keep bringing you (and your skin) down. 

Did you know that the chin area and around your mouth is correlated to the heart as well? So, I’ve noticed that the times I’m more negative to myself, my breakouts are always in that chin area. And yes, it is hormonal, but it goes deeper to your heart! Love yourself by making your skin glow, which then will lead to the BEST mood-booster. This one you have to be patient on, it’s definitely not an overnight thing, but all good things take time babes!

Motivational Tips 
Here are a few things that help me when I’m down:

🌻Taking a bath & doing my skincare routine. Sometimes I’ll also just soak and do a mask.

🌻 Pushing myself to do that extra self-care when I know I’m in a deep, hard time helps me to show myself my own self-love.

🌻 Always be kind to yourself and start the next day fresh.

Here’s the deal, I know we all can’t force ourselves to get up and do our routines. I have those times too when I literally just cannot seem to get up. Tomorrow is always a fresh start, remember that! It’s been huge for my personal health and mental health journey. Now, say the times you have the energy to wash your face but don’t want to moisutrize, it’s okay! Sometimes simple is all you can handle and that's fine! Now, I don’t want that to be your normal routine, but you need to do what works best for you! You know yourself best! Sometimes, when you force yourself to do tht things and talk kindly to yourself, it truly helps the most!

Some Extras
I’m more than your friendly, neighborhood esthetician! I truly want to help you live happier and healthier and for me, skincare plays a huge role in that! I want to help you find whatever will work best for you. For me, a simpler routine and a good bath are good solutions for when I don’t necessarily have the energy to do my full-blown routines. You need to do what it takes to get you to a better place. What motivates you? Having all the goodies and masks? A basic routine? The cute head wrap when you go to wash your face? The smell of THE hydrating mist (CBD B3 IYKYK)? Find YOUR thing. My last tip is - when you get home from work (especially if it was a long day) do your routine first. Come home, drop all the things and get your skincare on within 5 minutes of being home. Trust me, you’ll thank yourself when bedtime rolls around and all you have to do is crawl into your bed.

So, in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, I truly hope you had some good takeaways. If you did and you do some of these self-care tips, tag me on social media @glistenandglowspabylinley.


Sweat is your friend


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