Skin Savers to Carry With You 24/7

Everyone is busy. Between work/school, social life, errands, etc. etc. most of us are on the go 24/7, leaving the house early and not getting back until late! In the time you’re gone, SO many things can have an effect on your skin. The sun, wind, the temperature outside, you name it! There’s so much dirt, dust, pollen and other irritants flying around that lands on your skin, it’s crazy! So, want to know what I carry with me 24/7?

Here are 5 things I always have in my bag:

  1. Sunscreen/Tinted Sunscreen and a hat (technically that’s 3 but oh well 😅)

  2. Lip gloss or Chapstick

  3. Actrol Powder

  4. CBD B3 mist

  5. Travel size face wash (don’t come at me for this one)

My biggest tip is to keep all these goodies in a travel size bag in your purse, tote, diaper bag, backpack, whatever you carry daily! Because I’m me, I have all my skincare goodies in travel sizes in one bag, and I also carry my makeup bag with me. Trust me, you don’t have to carry your whole bathroom with you everywhere you go, but those 5 items are MUSTS for on the go gals!


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