5 Ways Exercise Actually HELPS Your Skin

We all know exercise is important. It’s important for your physical health obviously, but I’m sure we’ve all seen/heard the benefits for your mental health as well. I know for me personally, my happiness depends on me moving my body daily! I can definitely tell a difference on a day (or days) when I’m not working out, it’s rough! Everyone needs to find what works best for them, but for me, yoga & weights baby! The balance of lifting heavy and then stretching out my body, especially with the work I do, is MAGIC!

Just 15 minutes of movement a day can help get the blood moving in your body which helps to heal, helps reduce inflammation and not to mention, the detoxing of sweat and toxins for your body is much needed for everyone!

Did you know that exercise can also help to improve your skin?

It’s true! Here are 5 ways exercise improves your skin:

  1. Improves acne

  2. Evens out skin tone

  3. Keeps collagen and elastin in your sink intact

  4. Helps with healing due to the blood flow

  5. Keeps new skin cells being generated happy & healthy

There ya have it! Exercise is so much more than physical benefits.


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