National Rosacea Month

Rosacea isn’t something anyone wants to have. Let’s be real, the redness of the skin and inflammation isn’t cute, but we can’t help it! Rosacea is a skin condition that starts internally, but it can also be irritated by outside factors as well such as environment, nutrition and genetics. So, let’s dive because April is National Rosacea Month.

First, let’s touch genetics. If it runs in your family, there’s nothing you can really do to prevent it, but you can still avoid certain ingredients to help reduce it. So, rosacea triggers, these include heat, spicy foods, alcohol, weather, emotions, skincare products and exercise too! Just keep in mind it’s not always one thing that triggers it and it won’t always go away. Being aware of the triggers just so you can reduce them when needed will help! You’ll learn your triggers over time.

Next, let’s chat about food. We all know that food can affect your skin, but it’s even more so when you have rosacea. Sometimes, your gut biome can be off, and thus reacting in your skin, which is your body’s way of saying something internally is going on! So, a lot of the time rosacea has acne added into it. My best advice would be to make the best possible choices in your diet for your skin! Cleaner foods, seeing a functional doctor to check out your gut, taking a probiotic etc. Try logging or journaling and keeping track of your food to see how your body reacts to them is helpful as well. Again, some commonly triggering foods, especially for people with rosacea are spicy foods, spinach, sour cream, cheese, eggplant, avocado, and citrus.

So, I bet you’re wondering, “Alright Linley, what can you do to help me?” Well, certain ingredients are better for rosacea than others. My favorite is salicylic acid mainly for acne rosacea, and mixing it with the Alpharet Clearing Serum by Skinbetter for nighttime use. Most importantly, you’ll need calming ingredients, so a few more of my favorites would be niacinamide and CBD. Grab the Micro Silver or CBD B3 Mist from Glymed for daily use. These are both calming and hydrating and great for reducing inflammation. Zinc for redness, so using a zinc oxide for SPF because sun exposure can cause rosacea flare ups. Every sunscreen I have includes this. The Tone Smart by Skinbetter and Face Reality’s SPF 30 are my favorites! Lastly, let’s get into Vitamin C. This is an antioxidant that’s amazing for redness, so I’d use the Alto Advanced Serum by Skinbetter. Trust me, your skin will thank you and your redness will fade away!

As far as treatment plans, these will mostly consist of calming remedies. You don’t want to aggravate and irritate your skin with harsh ingredients. Two of my favorite gentle products are;
Hydracalm from Face Reality to soothe and cool your skin, and the CBD Hydratheraphy Mask from Glymed*. I also love adding in customized facials because we can really target exactly what your skin needs at any given time. Let your esthetician choose for you!

*These products are only available in my Client Store. To become a client, fill out this questionnaire so we can work together!


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