managing stress

Stress can be very difficult to manage, but it’s important we try to manage it the best we can. I know, I know, *insert eye roll here* but I’m serious! Stress not only affects your mental health but can cross over into your physical health as well. It’s amazing what calming inflammation of your body can do to help you feel like yourself again! 

Your health is really the only thing in this world you are completely in control of. Recently, I’ve been diving into my own health and well-being, and the biggest thing I’m learning to help me cope with stress is grace, patience and me-time. Everyone needs that time to decompress and just sit still in a moment and just breathe. Having that time to yourself helps take you back to the bigger picture. Saying things like “I am loved, I am capable, I am strong” whatever your little heart wants, just say something positive to yourself, take 3 big, deep breaths and try to calm down.

Say to yourself “is this worth causing stress to myself?” Really sit and think, is it worth your peace and calmness? How can you stop, remove yourself from the stressful situation or better handle/cope without getting into the fight or flight mode? Trust me, I know it’s easier said than done, but it really is helpful.

Allow yourself time to sit in silence and just think. No phones, no distractions, just silence. Give yourself the grace you deserve and desire. Don't stress about getting everything checked off your to-do list today, there’s always tomorrow! I used to focus on every stressful situation, fixate on them, which only made me less productive because I was thinking about everything I had to do instead of focusing on actually doing them. Physically, it took a toll on me and drained all of my energy. Listen, I know this all sounds cliche, but it’s the truth, you and your body need time to relax and reset!

Think about the ways you best relax and take yourself out of the physical world? It could be reading, cooking, meditation, yoga, working out, spending time outside, listening to music, journaling, a nice, hot bath, shower or sauna? Literally any of these tools can be great for managing stress. All it takes is 5 minutes of self care, maybe it’s even your skincare routine! Say some affirmations, self-love talk, it really is life-changing! The minute I wake up, I give myself a high-five in the mirror and it sets my day up for success. The second I started to love myself more, give myself grace, I felt the stress slip away. 

And listen, we all will still have our moments, I certainly do, but overall, it’s been easier to manage. By allowing my me-time and learning that I matter, it makes managing the stressful times easier. I try to journal for 5 minutes daily, remind myself to breathe etc. And listen, I don’t do all the things I’ve mentioned in this post everyday, but implementing small changes daily really makes a huge difference. 

Let yourself be proud of the steps you take to manage your stress better and put yourself first. And, let me know if doing some of these things truly helps you! That’s what I’m here for babes, to help YOU! 


Goodbye Ingrown Hairs 


Stress & your skin