Goodbye Ingrown Hairs 

Bikini season will be here before we know it! With that comes the age-old question…shaving or waxing? Today’s blog will guide you in the direction of happy, healthy, and calm skin. Keep in mind, a lot of us will get irritated no matter what, but I have a solution for that as well.

Exfoliation and hydration are key. Let’s start with exfoliation, it all depends on the kind of ingrown hairs you have. Inflamed or more blackheads? If you have inflamed, you’ll want serums and nothing too harsh, like let’s say a scrub. Leave-on solutions are the best like the Strip Roll-On Serum. I use this once a day, just rub it on and massage the rest in. Later in the day, I’ll put a hydrating oil on, this helps with inflammation, redness, and soothing the skin. My personal favorites are the Bushbalm Oils, either the nourishing or dark spot correcting and nourishing oil. You need oil no matter what since you’re abusing the area you’re waxing or shaving. This ultimately will give you better results whether you’re waxing or shaving. 

Nourishment is the key to happy, healthy and calm skin!

No matter where you’re waxing or shaving, just remember to nourish it. Use your roll-on serum daily and then follow-up later using your Bushbalm oil, and there you have it! Simple, easy homecare for inflamed ingrown hairs.

Alright, now let’s chat about non-inflammed ingrowns. These include blackheads and textured skin that isn’t as red or inflamed. This is usually buildup of dead skin (keratin and oil) and what helps these are scrubs and topicals. Typically, I have clients use a scrub 2-3 times a week along with the daily ingrown serum like the Strip Roll-On and Hydrating Oil. Another great option for a good hygiene practice is to use the bath mitts from supracor. These don’t hold any bacteria, are mildew resistant and provide a better gentle daily exfoliation and helps with lymphatic drainage. Much better than using a loofah in my opinion! So clients will use the Bushbalm Nourishing Body Wash and/or the Down There Wash with the bath mitt! 

Now let’s chat scrubs. Before you shave or get waxed, it can help to loosen up the dead skin to allow for a better wax. Scrubs help loosen the dead skin cells, some of the ones in my shop are the Bushbalm Body Scrubs, Glymed’s Alphatheraputic Body Scrub, and Scrub Me Good are all great options a few times a week and always a day before or day of a wax or shave. Then, you’ll want to make sure you’re nourishing after exfoliating and you likely won’t have any irritation (or very minimal). Use the roll on serum daily from the strip, nourishing oils daily 5 minutes after the roll on (or at the opposite time of day).

And there ya have it, my simple, basic steps for basic waxing and shaving aftercare. Depending on how bad the irritation or ingrowns are, we can customize something further. Always remember to take care and nourish the areas you’re working on and better results will come! The goal here is to create the perfect environment for a wax or shave.


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