How to Manage Acne in the Summer

Acne Awareness Month is very near and dear to my heart. If y’all read the last blog, you know that part of the reason I became an esthetician was because I myself have struggled with acne. I’m so passionate about helping people feel beautiful in their skin! Now that it’s summer, I want to chat about managing your acne when it's super hot & humid!

First, let’s recap what acne is and what causes acne. Acne is an inherited disorder of your pores. So if you have acne, yes, you’ll always have it. But good news - you can manage it and keep it under control. Let’s review some of the causes of acne.

  • Food! Sugar, dairy and greasy foods will cause the thickening of skin oil and inflammation

  • Sweat! Hello, it’s summer, of course you’re going to sweat BUT washing your face as soon as you’re done with a workout, or being outside and sweaty will do a world of good!

  • All the outside time and the buildup of dirt etc. so same as above, WASH YO FACE.

  • Touching your skin too much with dirty hands, towels, shirts etc. 

Obviously in the summer you’re wearing SPF on your face everyday (and if you’re not, we need to chat…). Pore-clogging sunscreen combined with sweat from being outside can trigger acne flare-ups. Please, please, PLEASE use a face-specific and mineral-based sunscreen when outside, use my favorite oxygen deep pore cleanser AND make sure you have the right kind of hydrator for YOUR skin type.

If you have any questions or need production recommendations, let me know :)


POV: You just made your first wax appointment…


Esthetician Life