Everything You Need to Know About Skin Health

Skin health can mean a lot of different things and let’s be honest, people talk about skin health in about a million different ways. Here’s what skin health means in the simplest of terms: making sure your skin is at homeostasis, or a happy, equal place, right where it needs to be.

Here’s the deal fam, your skin is your largest organ, so if you don’t care about skin health…YOU SHOULD! Obviously as your esthetician I care A LOT about your skin health. If you ignore taking care of your skin, the visible effects can be breakouts, pigmentation, early fine lines, and wrinkles. Not to mention burning, itching, extreme dryness and who has time for that?! Without happy, healthy skin, your skin can’t make the changes YOU want it to make!

Still not convinced? Keep reading.

Caring about your skin health leads to:

  • A slower aging process

  • Everyday reactions usually don’t arise

  • Confidence through your skin (think, look good feel good), and let’s be honest, that’s a mood booster!

There a few different ways to improve your skin health, from the inside out and from the outside in. First up, drinking plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated is SO IMPORTANT! Some obvious ones are also, eating less sugars, less processed foods. Eat your essential fats like omega 3s, take a daily probiotic, eat your fruits & veggies. From the outside in, if you don’t all know what I’m going to say, we can’t be friends 😅 Kidding, kidding. Sticking to a consistent, professional-grade skincare routine morning and night is a gamechanger! Get facials monthly (or however often your esti recommends), and who doesn’t love a #TREATYOSELF moment? Again, hydration, hydration, hydration baby! And my other big one, LATHER UP. SPF, even in the winter is a MUST!

Want a reminder? Click here to download my FREE skin-health checklist!


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