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Sweat is your friend

Sweating is your body’s way of detoxing. A good detox is good for your health, it can get the blood flowing which in turn leads to healthier, happier skin! A skincare routine isn’t all you need for beautiful, glowing skin. It goes deeper than that. Today we’re going to chat about a few different ways in which sweating is good for your skin!

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linley mauer linley mauer

skincare & mental health

Mental health is something that’s so important and since it’s Mental Health Awareness Month, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to chat about how skin care has truly helped save my mental health! I also want to help you! What to do if you can’t seem to find the energy to do anything, really mental health plays a huge role in skincare in my eyes! Let’s dive in!

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linley mauer linley mauer

Skin cancer Awareness Month

Did you know, 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer by the age of 70? Too often, skin cancer is not taken seriously enough and too often, it spreads much faster than you’d think. Today, we’re going to chat about prevention and checking, signs and symptoms.

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linley mauer linley mauer

Goodbye Ingrown Hairs 

Bikini season will be here before we know it! With that comes the age-old question…shaving or waxing? Today’s blog will guide you in the direction of happy, healthy, and calm skin. Keep in mind, a lot of us will get irritated no matter what, but this blog has a solution for that as well!

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linley mauer linley mauer

managing stress

Stress can be very difficult to manage, but it’s important we try to manage it the best we can. I know, I know, *insert eye roll here* but I’m serious! Stress not only affects your mental health but can cross over into your physical health as well. It’s amazing what calming inflammation of your body can do to help you feel like yourself again!

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linley mauer linley mauer

Stress & your skin

We all know stress isn’t great for you in general. It has long-lasting effects on your body, including your skin! Remember, you may not see the effects of stress today, but someday you will. We all want to try and eliminate stressors in our life for a general healthier lifestyle.

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linley mauer linley mauer

National Rosacea Month

Rosacea isn’t something anyone wants to have. Let’s be real, the redness of the skin and inflammation isn’t cute, but we can’t help it! Rosacea is a skin condition that starts internally, but it can also be irritated by outside factors as well such as environment, nutrition and genetics. So, let’s dive because April is National Rosacea Month.

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linley mauer linley mauer

leveling up your skincare routine

Last month, I went over the skincare basics with y’all so this month we are leveling up baby! This month, we’re building on the basics and chatting about products I get my clients on after we start a basic routine because, well, they are just that good!

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linley mauer linley mauer

changing seasons & skincare

Here’s the deal, when the seasons change, we normally change up our wardrobes right? Well the same goes for your skincare. Today we’re chatting all about how your skincare should change with the seasons.

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linley mauer linley mauer

skincare for beginners

I’ve said it before, 2023 is the year of healthier habits and self care. So, you’re ready to start your skincare and take better care of yourself, but you’re frustrated because everything you’ve tried hasn’t yielded results? Are you ready to take the plunge into better skincare? If so, this blog post is for you.

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linley mauer linley mauer

Cycle syncing for your skin & body

2023 is the year of better, healthier habits. One of the things I’m focusing on this year is nutrition and skin. Your internal gut health affects your skin way more than you’d ever know. Something that’s super interesting to me is your menstrual cycle and your skin, aka cycle syncing.

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linley mauer linley mauer

Medical Skin Care vs. Drugstore Skincare

A lot of people seem to think that all ingredients are created equal when it comes to skincare. Spoiler alert: they’re not! Although a bottle might say it’s vitamin C doesn’t mean it’s actually vitamin C serum. You have to remember, your skin is your largest organ, so we need to be using quality products on it! We’re going to talk about 6 different things to take into consideration when deciding on skincare.

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linley mauer linley mauer


Self care is preached by everyone all the time, but it is a huge part of healing when it comes to your skin! Stress is a huge acne trigger and self care helps to keep you calmer thus reducing stress. Stress increases cortisol levels in your body which also causes inflammation and then acne. It also causes imbalances in your hormones, so doing things to help keep your stress levels low is so important!

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linley mauer linley mauer


You guys have no idea how secretly excited I am to write this post. Just because I’m an esthetician, doesn’t mean I don’t do the same skin no-nos you guys do. I’m human just like you, so let’s dive in!

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linley mauer linley mauer

Products I Love & Can’t Live Without

It’s the month of love and since I love y’all so much, I can’t not share my favorites with you! So, let’s get into all the goodies! From cleansers to exfoliators to serums, I’ve got you covered!

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linley mauer linley mauer

The BEST Exfoliation for Dry Skin

One of the biggest myths I hear is that dry skin doesn’t need exfoliation. FALSE, you just need the RIGHT kind for your skin and its needs! For dry skin, that usually means something gentle and not as aggressive or as much exfoliation, however everyone’s skin is so different! 

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linley mauer linley mauer

How to Cure Post-Holiday Breakouts

Did you do what we all do during the holidays and indulge too much? It happens, and tastes so good, but we have to face the consequences. Usually this means breakouts and sluggish-looking skin. Before we get into the goods, I want you guys to know that IT’S OKAY to get off track during the holidays, we are human, and we should be enjoying all the holiday things!

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linley mauer linley mauer

Skincare Habits We are Bringing into 2023

TikToks and DIY skincare trends are NOT the vibe for 2023. Lemon is not a good bleach for skin pigmentation, toothpaste is not a good breakout spot treatment. These are trends of the past! Come see your friendly, neighborhood esthetician!

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