You guys have no idea how excited I am to write this post. Just because I’m an esthetician, doesn’t mean I don’t do the same skin no-nos you guys do. I’m human just like you, so let’s dive in!
Sin #1: Diet
There are days where I don’t focus as much on what I’m putting into my body as I should (or as I preach). I enjoy good food too, it’s life!
Sin #2: Face Washing
There are days where I don’t always wash my face within 15 minutes of working out. Sometimes I get distracted doing something else for a while before I remember, so the sweat will just sit, naughty naughty. Let’s not even talk about Sundays when I’ve only been washing my face once a day. I’ll get up, clean the house, do other things and then not shower or do my skincare routine until the late afternoon. Let’s also not mention how I don’t put sunscreen on until later and I’m just chillin at home. But on a serious note, I do my routine everyday, never skip it! If you don’t have any serious skin issues, skipping it once a week is okay, but if you have issues, then be sure to do your routine without fail!
Sin #3: Wrong Order
There are times when I put my skincare on in the wrong order…whoops! Mostly, it’s just because I start just going through the motions and just grab something mindlessly. It’s not a HUGE deal, but it does make me laugh when I do it. Are we realizing that I too, am human??
Sin #4: Facials & Masks
Sometimes, when you’re in a certain profession, that’s the thing you don't get to do the most. I definitely don’t get facials routinely and boy can I tell! I’m also notorious for not masking weekly, but you know what? I sure as heck make sure I exfoliate. Gotta take the wins where ya can!
Sin #5: Pillow Cases
Listen, I really, like really need to get better about washing my pillow case more often! If you’re acne-prone, then it should be switched out every 3 days. Personally, I do it weekly or every other week.
Sin #6: Picking
Wanna talk about being human? I pick my skin just like everyone else! If I see a blackhead, game over because that shiz has got to go!
While I’m sure there’s more sins I could probably confess to, I think that’s good enough for now. My hope is that you learning about my sins makes you feel better about yours! We all know there’s always room for improvement, so let’s focus on the good and always being better everyday!