Acne Awareness Month Part 2: wellness factors

Acne Awareness Month and we will be diving into lifestyle effects on acne today. This is part 2 of our 3-part series on all things acne. Go back and read Part 1: Ingredients in case you missed it!

So yes, your skincare ingredients are important when it comes to acne, but so is your lifestyle and overall health! When your skin cells are healthy from the inside - out, that’s the most important and leaves your skin healthy and glowing. That’s less work for your skincare ingredients to do. Today, we’re going to cover 2 main factors: lifestyle and diet.

The first is sweat. Sweating is so healthy for your body and your skin! I have a whole post on this here. Sweat is a form of detoxification, so it’s important to try and stay active and sweat because that helps your liver and kidneys so they don’t have to do all the work. Sweating and staying active helps to create bloodflow in your body which in turn helps your skin cells because it promotes oxygenated blood.

Your diet is the second biggie when it comes to acne.

Let’s be clear, your diet alone doesn’t cause acne.

But certain foods can cause an influx of oil production and thicken the oil in your skin. This can cause blockages in your pores which can turn into acne. Some of those foods can also cause inflammation in your body. Please remember, I’m no nutritionist, but consider the following.

Some common triggers are:

  • Dairy

  • Alcohol 

  • Sugars 

  • Soy

  • Seafood

  • Peanut butter

  • Corn and Canola oil 

  • Iodized salt

  • Over saturated fats like fast food

These are just a few things to try and avoid more frequently! Reduce your intake and see how your skin can change! I bet youll notice less inflammation and blackheads! Acne is so complex, not one single thing is the magic “cure-all.” Small changes over time make a big difference, remember that!




Acne Awareness Month Part 1: Ingredients