People preach about self care all the time, but it really is a huge part of healing when it comes to your skin! Stress is a huge acne trigger and self care helps to keep you calmer thus reducing stress. Stress increases cortisol levels in your body which also causes inflammation and then acne. It also causes imbalances in your hormones, so doing things to help keep your stress levels low is so important!

Personally, I love doing at-home facials! Look good, feel good is my motto here babes. Do what makes you feel good! It could be coming to see me for a facial or wax, then schedule that appointment ASAP! If you ask me, there’s no better feeling than a freshly waxed coochie or underarms or that glazed donut face from a fresh facial. Like boo, have you ever experienced pure, relaxing bliss with wonderful results? It’s amazing! If you’ve never been waxed or you’re scared, don’t be! You’ll literally feel on top of the world! Also, check out this blog about what to do once you’ve made your first wax appointment.

Okay, let’s chat at-home facials quick. I’m going to clue you in on what I use and then all you have to do is make the time for yourself at home and do it!

I always start my at-home facials with a double cleanse. Michelle Corley’s Oil Cleanser is my favorite go-to for the first cleanse. For the second, I use the Cleansing Gel by Skinbetter or my Ultra Gentle by Face Reality

 Next up, masking! Here’s my ultimate combo - Oxygen Infusion Wash and Detoxifying Scrub from Skinbetter and then a little bit of my Hydrating Enzyme from Glymed. Mix ‘em! You’ll thank me later, OR you can just use one. Either way, it’ll be a straight up magical experience. You’ll be getting hecka detoxifying results with the oxygen and a nice hydrating lactic blend of AHA’s to not over-exfoliate but do some good, then, the detox scrub adds in the intensity for the physical action of exfoliation. Lastly, the hydrating enzyme is a nice, botanical and papyain exfoliation, so it’s super gentle and not aggressive at all. When you combine this one with the others, it’s the best blend to keep the skin glowing and hydrated while not overstimulating the skin. Chef’s kiss🤌🏻 recipe for glowing skin right there y’all!

Then, it’s up to you! I usually do a hydrating mask, like Brighten-C from Face Reality if my skin is up for it. Otherwise, I’ll use the Hydracalm Mask from Face Reality to deeply calm and nourish my skin! It can also be left on overnight, acting as a deep hydrating moisturizer! But there’s still one more! The queen of all queens to use last is Glymed’s CBD Hydratherapy mask*. Babes, she is full of antioxidants, peptides, is a great anti-ager and calming to the skin. Plus, antibacterial benefits for acne, what could be better!?

Alright, finishing product time! Use what you have at home, but here are some options if you need them. Skinbetter’s Alto Advanced Defense and Repair, Trio Rebalancing Moisturizer and then add it my all-time favorite, CBD B3 Facial Mist from Glymed. Another option would be the Hydrabalance from Face Reality or CBD Micro Silver from Glymed

Lastly, since this is self care at home, let’s add in something to relax! A long shower or a bath, really anything that relaxes YOU. Managing stress can be very difficult, but in the long run it’s so worth it. Your sanity and happiness too! This year, I’m learning my worth is quite a bit! It’s relaxing for me to find things that bring me back down to earth. A good shower and bath with a mini-facial once a week is one heck of a reset for me. But, some other ways I find joy is through gardening, caring for plants, and getting my hands dirty in the soil! It’s so rewarding! I love summer so I can be out in nature more and ground myself. Winters can be tough, especially in the midwest, but I still find myself needing to go for a run when it’s cold some days just to soak up the daylight and fresh air! I find that the cold isn’t so bad once I’m back home and warm, my endorphins certainly appreciate it too! 

You just need to find the things that bring YOU joy. Another one that’s popular is journaling. It’s been so rewarding for me and has been helping me in many different ways. It’s a good way to reflect etc. Really, whatever you like to do and is relaxing for you, do it more! Don’t be afraid to carve out that time for yourself. Something new I’ve also added is yoga! I go to a class every other week! It’s been the perfect introduction for me  to ease it into my schedule. And guys, it works! I’ve seriously never been busier in my professional or personal life, but I’m the least stressed I’ve ever been! 

2023 IS the year of self care and love for yourself. Start small, pick one thing and just start and you’ll see the difference. Starting really is half the battle and once you start, you’ll thank yourself later!


Medical Skin Care vs. Drugstore Skincare
