Happy New Year my homies! 2024 is here & it feels so unreal to me. That being said, I’m implementing some changes this year & I’ll preface this by saying it’s truly for my health & well-being (we’ll get there). My new goal for this year is to nourish the mind, body & soul. We are in our slowing down era!

First up, my hours. The new spa hours are:
Tuesday 11 am - 6pm 
Wednesday 10 am - 5 pm
Thursday 12 pm - 5 pm 
Friday 9 am - 4:30 pm
Saturday - every 4 weeks starting Saturday, January 6.

Next, pricing. Below are all the pricing changes you can expect in 2024.
Brazilians - $77
Jelly Masks - $18 (btw if you haven’t tried the new ones what are you doing?)
Bikini Wax - $42

Facials will have more of an explanation attached to them so buckle up homies 🙂 My goal for 2024 is to provide the ultimate experience when getting a facial from me. I’ll be adding some new products with more elegance and knowledge and I’m SO excited to do that for y’all!

Level 1 Facial - $150
Your go-to option for your self-care era. Stay fully clothed, but still get the all the works! Lay on the warm bed, grab a warm blanket and dive in with a relaxing oil cleanse, fan brush second cleanse, customized exfoliation for your skin which can include dermaplaning, scalp massage, 5-minute facial serum-based massage, facial modality like firming via microcurrent or electrical muscle stimulation, high frequency, ice globes, LED therapy, ultrasound, lymphatic massage. Following that, enjoy a second masque, warm neck roll, warm or cool towels to remove the masque and finishing products. BioRePeel add-on, $250.

Level 2 Facial - $200
Your ultimate indulgence, self-care day facial. Change into a gown for full comfort for this one. Cozy up into the warm bed & between the sheets for full comfort. Level 2 facials are around 90 minutes and include the neck and chest for products, along with hand and arm massage. We’ll start off with a relaxing first oil cleanse, fan brush second cleanse, customized exfoliation for your skin which can include dermaplaning, scalp massage, 5-minute facial serum-based massage, facial modality like firming via microcurrent or electrical muscle stimulation, high frequency, ice globes, LED therapy, ultrasound, lymphatic massage. Followed by your second masque, warm neck roll, chest & decolette massage, hand & arm massage, warm towels to remove product and then finishing products. The goal of this facial is to transcend time and give you the self-care you deserve! BioRePeel add-on, $250.

First-time consultation - $200

Okay so that’s A LOT of information, but I owe it to you all to explain the WHY behind all of this. If any of you know what it’s like to work or play a sport through injury, then you have a bit of an idea of what I’m going through. I didn’t make any of these decisions lightly when it comes to changes at the spa, but it’s come to a point where my health and future truly could be at risk. For 2 years now, I’ve struggled with an injured right shoulder/chest/bicep to the point where it’s clearly affecting my work and my personal life. In 2023, I really focused on slowing down and taking this injury seriously. I’ve done a lot of therapy, nerve work to heal and calm the area, but it’s an ongoing battle. I don’t tell you this for pity or for a sob story, but to explain the why behind the changes. You all know, you’re way more than just clients to me. There will come a day where I’d like to have kids and at the rate I’ve been going, I wouldn’t be able to hold them in a carrier or at all. So in 2024, we are figuring out how to work, while still healing, and giving what I can to YOU!

2023 truly helped me to slow down, holistic care for myself and made me realize we all have struggles. I want to be here to help someone in whatever way I can. It’s not just waxing, skincare and facials for me, it’s an entire lifestyle and way of life where everything is connected, inside and out! That’s why we’re implementing all these changes at the spa. I want to be able to give you guys the WORLD and an entire experience when you’re in my spa. In 2024, I also want to dive more into my virtual consultation & skincare offerings. Let me know in the comments if y’all are in for more virtual stuff. Custom routines, consultations, products etc. Keep an eye out for more in-depth information about that! So, I hope that helps to explain the changes and the why behind it.

Cheers to a happy, healthy, relaxed 2024!


Benefits of LED face light therapy